50 Shades of Jay — #20 ABRAHAM 101 From The British Point of View

You may or may not be totally familiar with my “key” methodologies, foundational strategies, and bedrock principals… we call ABRAHAM 101. That’s why I thought you might thoroughly enjoy, appreciate, and benefit from seeing the rather impressive and well structured, thoroughly well-reasoned, and exceptionally...

50 shades of Jay – #19 YOU created This — Reading Room Recommendation

A “BIG” thanks goes out to those of you who took time out of your busy schedules to help create THIS Shade of Jay!In case you have forgotten, Shade 19 is the combination of book recommendations/explanations we received from subscribers eager to contribute and share the book titles that helped transform or forge...

50 Shades of Jay – #17 The Connection, Connection Shade

This will be short. A friend has an uncanny ability to make high-level connections well above and beyond the level most people operate at.                                                                                                He...

50 Shades of Jay – #18 “Crazy Eights”

I feel remiss. I’ve been traveling extensively for the last four weeks — Tokyo, Singapore, Malaysia, back to Tokyo, and Las Vegas. Now I am dictating this from Cabo San Lucas, then going to the UK, Puerto, and then Italy. I DO NOT want you miss out on your daily dose of “Shades,” so I’ve decided…

50 Shades of Jay – #16 The “Swiss-Army Knife” Shade. Eleven Different Tools in One!

Today I have a rather inventive surprise.I call it the Swiss Army Shade of Jay. Why do I call it that? Because one Shade (Shade #16) delivers 11 different tools, functions, distinctions and capabilities that, if carried on your iPad or computer, arms you with the ability to extricate yourself from almost every imaginable...

50 Shades of Jay – #15 China Connection – Overall

So, each month I do a Skype/type 2-hour video conferences with 40 entrepreneurs all over China. It’s another daring experimental project I’m trying, and the results, so far, are quite impressive.Anyhow, last week’s session took a rather fascinating turn: We deeply explained and explored all of the different leverage...

50 Shades of Jay – #14 Super Shades of Jay – – Sort Of/Half and Half

THIS is really an integration of two positive worlds colliding into one ultra-instructional outcome!Sound confusing? Let me quickly explain.For the last few months, I have been disseminating my “50 Shades of Jay” resources (I hope you have benefitted from some or all of them, so far.)That said, occasionally we do uber-qualitative...

50 Shades of Jay # 27 – London Broil (#3)

Part 3 of the “London Broil” series. If you like this resource and would like to know how you can access more of Jay’s thinking through his programs or private consulting, CLICK HERE to book time with one of Jay’s product specialists.  Back to 50 Shades of Jay Join Jay’s email list!If you’d like to receive…...

50 Shades of Jay # 26 – London Broil (#2)

Part 2 of the “London Broil” series. If you like this resource and would like to know how you can access more of Jay’s thinking through his programs or private consulting, CLICK HERE to book time with one of Jay’s product specialists.  Back to 50 Shades of Jay Join Jay’s email list!If you’d like to receive…...

50 Shades of Jay # 25 – London Broil (#1)

These next three shades are called the “London Broil” series due to the fact that I tend to be direct, highly-focused, non-theoretical, no-nonsense, and somewhat “attitudinally aggressive” when I’m in makeover mode.It resulted from my travels to 9 different countries, where I engaged a wide spectrum of audiences...