Vicki Kunkel Vicki Kunkel is a former television news anchor, published author, entrepreneur, nationally recognized expert on mass appeal and persuasiveness, and an award-winning social anthropology researcher.

She’s also an award-winning social anthropologist who has been recognized as an expert in mass appeal and “stickiness” by over 200 media outlets.

She’s applied her “Instant Appeal” techniques to products, people and social causes.

Vicki noticed a perplexing phenomenon occurring from Washington’s Beltway to corporate boardrooms: people with outstanding presentation skills were losing elections, court cases and major business deals to people with less skill but more appeal.

This led her on a multi-year journey into research in neurology, neuro-acoustics, social anthropology and social intelligence. Vicki condensed this research, which became the basis for her “Instant Appeal” theory of mass influence — a theory based on far more than persuasive communications. She found that real influence is cemented with anthropological and neurological triggers.