Posts by Jay Abraham

Business Growth Wizards and Strategic Marketing Geniuses are NOT overpaid!
It is fashionable today, especially for smaller business owners or entrepreneurs, to bash any non-tactical business expert who commands far “above-market-perception” fees and prices. These entrepreneurs think that these rare experts charge far too much. Actually (and easily measurable), quite the opposite is true.The...

Access Denied!
One of the goals that I strive to achieve is challenging you (and your paradigm) in ways designed to grow your overall business might. If you indulge me for a moment, I’d like to submit that—when your market doesn’t work for you or your selling doesn’t sell or your value creations don’t have value...

Movie Trailer – Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got: The Jay Abraham Story
September 20th @ 8pm (Pacific) is the worldwide, red carpet, Hollywood Premiere of a newly-produced, 47-minute, full-length documentary squarely focused on me, my life, career, clients, worldview, impact, and life’s work called: “Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got: The Jay Abraham Story”...

Entrepreneur Disrupted Mini-Series – #6: Firing
Firing is an essential part of business that often gets delayed by entrepreneurs. In #6 of Entrepreneur Disrupted, we discuss how firing with compassion is possible with Jay Abraham, one of Forbes’ Top Five Executive Business Coaches in the world. Jay talks about the obstacles and challenges that will be met with firing,...

Entrepreneur Disrupted Mini-Series – #11: How (And When) To Incentivize
If you can’t enjoy the process of what you’re doing, is it even worth doing it in the first place? Nowadays it is important to create and instill both an element of fun and inspiration with those you work with – a philosophy that does not apply just for business, but also for all aspects…
“Is it ethical to hack your employees’ brains?” In #12 of the Entrepreneur Disrupted Mini-Series, Dave Asprey and Jay Abraham discuss the ethical implications of enhancing your employee’s performance using one of Dave’s biggest areas of expertise: bio-hacking. Learn everything about the food, tools, and technologies... Most believe giving bonuses is one of the greatest incentives for hard work. Sure, in certain places bonus plans can work wonders, but in other places they actually serve as a distraction. In #9 of Entrepreneur Disrupted, Dave Asprey and Jay Abraham challenge that philosophy through both sides of the economic lens. Learn... Outsourcing is easier today than ever before in history – but is it always the right move to make? Jay Abraham and Dave Asprey go deep into the question many entrepreneurs are asking themselves today: Do we outsource it, or do we do it ourselves? They discuss both the advantages as well as the challenges that come…... How do you know how much you should be paying the members of your team – and how do you go about doing it? What different forms of compensation can you provide? How can you negotiate for your own compensation, and avoid settling for your lowest offer? Dave Asprey and Jay Abraham discuss this essential…
In #7 of Entrepreneur Disrupted, Jay Abraham distills one of the most powerful and little known skill sets for entrepreneurs: interviewing and listening. Jay is one of those $100,000 a day, very senior marketing guys with a career that’s almost hard to describe because it’s so varied. Jay shares some tips on how...
Entrepreneur Disrupted Mini-Series – #12: Hack Your Employees’ Brains
Entrepreneur Disrupted Mini-Series – #9: Bonus Plans
Entrepreneur Disrupted Mini-Series – #8: Outsourcing
Entrepreneur Disrupted Mini-Series – #10: Compensation
Entrepreneur Disrupted Mini-Series – #7: Interviewing