Jay Abraham Hot Seat Executive Summaries

Executive Summaries “Shade of Jay” or Commercial offer?

As you know by now, I’m continuously trying to outdo myself and over-deliver on each new installment of my “Fifty Shades” gift giving extravaganza…

We’ve spent weeks going through hundreds of really powerful, 90-Minute Hot Seats and enormously stimulating lightning rounds and situation-specific Q&A sessions, problem-solving clinics, opportunity-strategizing sessions and have distilled them down to a wonderful collection of fast-paced, highly provocative demonstrable examples of dozens and dozens of ways to think, act, and transact business differently.

I had these Hot Seat Executive Summaries compiled for a commercial promotion, but once I realized how much illustrative example/case study value viewing all these could mean to everyone, I decided to make them public and compiled them together as just one “shade.” 

That stated, I must also state that I AM expecting that some of you will view these distilled, rat-tat-tat solution, resolution and strategy session, and find yourself interested in participating in a private Hot Seat sessions yourself… if that’s the case, you might be interested in an ongoing program we call Breakthroughs at the Beach.

My dual (but worthy) motives now fully disclosed I give you condensed, distilled, Hot Seats galore to watch below.


Executive Summary Video 1

Executive Summary Video 2

Executive Summary Video 3

Executive Summary Video 4

Executive Summary Video 5

Executive Summary Video 6

Executive Summary Video 7

Executive Summary Video 8

Executive Summary Video 9

Executive Summary Video 10

Executive Summary Video 11

Executive Summary Video 12

Executive Summary Video 13

Executive Summary Video 14

Executive Summary Video 15

If you like this resource and would like to know how you can access more of Jay’s thinking through his programs or private consulting, CLICK HERE to book time with one of Jay’s product specialists.

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