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In shade #18, we venture into eight interesting, provocative, loosely connected — although, everything in life has relevancy to one another, as you’ll someday realize — resources that (I believe) you will find intellectually, conceptually, financially and philosophically/ideologically stimulating.

These are eight interesting items from my body of work that most anyone would gain perspective, possibility, passion and purpose from. In fact, many are resources we typically reserve for current or high-probability prospects. I believe they will add incredible value to your business and your life.

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Jay’s “Back to Basics” Video Series

Jay’s 5-part video series on basic foundational methodology — It was these basics that spurred billions of dollars of profit growth for so many diverse entrepreneurs around the world.

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Jay at the “Titans of Direct Response” event

This interview showcases Jay as a top influencer and “statesman” of direct response and marketing — Listen to Jay expound on the concept of long-term business strategy.

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Jay’s Unfinished Keynote on “Reshaping Your Business”

This video showcases Jay delivering a keynote at a large conference under tight time constraints — the message delivers a “compressed” version of his thoughts on Reshaping Your Business.

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Jay’s keynote speech on “Preemptive Marketing.”

Jay discusses a topic dear to his heart… Preemptive Marketing

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Jay’s ten-minute talk on “Thinking Differently.”

Jay wants everyone to accept a new reality, and this new reality has many facets — In this video Jay challenges you to think about many of these facets and ask yourself questions such as: How often do you think differently? How often do you look for solutions in new environments?

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Jay’s Amsterdam Connection

This interview demonstrates Jay’s unique ability to make difficult and perhaps nebulous concepts accessible and inspiring. It is an example of a self-actualizing mind transcending all the nonsense and showing a different way of thinking … its a synthesis of truth, beauty, and goodness.

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Jay on the “Meaning of Life”

Jay’s basic premise on how you can utilize marketing and public relations technologies to get ahead in life — whether you’re a business owner or manager or someone who is just seeking to get ahead in their career.


If you like this resource and would like to know how you can access more of Jay’s thinking through his programs or private consulting, CLICK HERE to book time with one of Jay’s product specialists.

Back to 50 Shades of Jay

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