I must admit the subject line has nothing whatsoever to do with this e-mail. I just love phrases from The Wizard of Oz… “Oompa Loompa doo-pa-dee do” (whoops, that’s Willy Wonka.) I meant “Ding, Dong the Witch Is Dead. Which Old Witch? The Wicked Witch.” “If I only had a heart… If I only had a brain… If I only had courage… Hmm. Well, maybe – – accidentally – – the subject line IS applicable. Today’s 50 Shades of Jay gift is all about greatness ” your greatness. So I’ve done considerable work on the subject of how to become a great entrepreneur, a great marketer, a great multiplier of other people’s greatness, a great contributor/value creator to your marketplace…a great husband or wife, friend or lover and a great person. Am I all these things? Certainly not, but I AM sincerely critically aware of how to improve my relative gradient of performance on each level – – and (in all immodesty) I’m making great strides in each category – – by order of magnitude – – by embracing what I’ve come to understand about harnessing the profit power greatness instills in a life. Ok so why the email and long, drawn-out “musing”? Because I’m gifting you three components to elevate, accelerate and multiply your abilities to be great in all areas of your life. It’s an approx. 20-minute audio I did awhile back for Nightingale-Conant as their holiday present to 300,000 of their best clients! I’m also gifting you the transcript. And finally ” I’m gifting you two other cool “ancillary” resources, that I feel are appropriate companions. One is the last chapter from my book, “Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got. I won’t tell you the title of the chapter. Let it be a delightful surprise. The other one is a chapter I did for the best-selling book, called “The Passion Test.” You will quickly realize that far more greatness is all in your hands. Oh, by the way all gifts in this email count as just one “Shade of Jay” that are coming to the following link near you soon…. abraham.com/50shades Please enjoy this latest update! As Willy Wonka would say, “the suspense is killing me…I hope it’ll last.” -Jay P.S. If I confuse you a little, that’s my intention… again, to quote Mr. Willy Wonka, “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” Stay tuned for Shade #6.